Brea's Books
Amazon best-selling author and speaker.
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Contact Brea
Interested in having Brea come speak at your conference, school, library, book store, church or other venue? Brea has spoken on: hybrid publishing, marketing, PTSD, book covers, grieving as a teen and many other topics. See a sample of Brea speaking below.
What does Brea Write?

Primarily dystopian fiction (adult romance and YA). She has also written a middle grade and a non-fiction self-help for teens. As well as many short stories, just to keep things interesting. Find out more about Brea's books and stories at the Books by Brea tab.
Is Brea self-published or does she have an agent?
Both! Brea is a hybrid author. She got her first yes from an independent publisher in 2014 with Wolves in the Woods. She published two more books with that publisher before signing with an agent. Brea now has eight books published and is represented by the Purcell Agency.

What does Brea speak about?

Brea would love to come speak at your venue. Topics Brea has spoken on include: her books (including book readings), publishing 101, hybrid publishing, book covers, marketing, social media, PTSD, grieving as a teen (inspirational) and many more. If there's a topic you'd be interested in having Brea speak on, just click the contact tab.